South Jersey


A full car color wrap, often referred to simply as a "car wrap," involves completely covering a vehicle's original paint with a new, colored vinyl or adhesive film. This process allows individuals to change the color of their car temporarily without the need for a permanent paint job. Car wraps are popular for personalization, branding, or advertising purposes, and they offer several advantages over traditional paint changes.

Key points about full car color wraps include

  • Vinyl Material

    Car wraps are typically made of high-quality vinyl material that is durable, weather-resistant, and designed to adhere securely to the vehicle's surface.

  • Variety of Colors and Finishes

    Car wraps come in a wide range of colors, textures, and finishes, including matte, glossy, satin, metallic, and more. This provides a level of customization and creativity for individuals looking to change the appearance of their vehicles.

  • Protective Layer

    In addition to changing the color, car wraps act as a protective layer for the original paint. They can shield the paint from minor scratches, stone chips, and other superficial damages. This protective layer is removable, allowing the original paint to remain intact when the wrap is removed.

  • Temporary and Reversible

    Unlike a traditional paint job, which is permanent, a car wrap is a temporary alteration. If the owner decides to revert to the original paint color or change to a different wrap, it can be done without affecting the underlying paint.

  • Professional Installation

    Applying a car wrap requires skill and precision, and it is typically done by professionals. The process involves meticulously cleaning the vehicle's surface, accurately cutting the vinyl to fit each panel, and carefully applying it to ensure a smooth and bubble-free finish.

  • Cost-Effective Alternative

    Car wraps can be a more cost-effective alternative to a complete paint job, especially for those who want a color change or customization without the expense and permanence of repainting the entire vehicle.

As with any modification to a vehicle, individuals should also be aware of local regulations regarding the use of wraps, especially in terms of color and reflective properties.


A roof wrap refers to the application of a vinyl film or wrap material to the roof of a vehicle. This process is a type of vehicle customization that allows for a change in the appearance of the roof without the need for paint. The vinyl material used in roof wraps is typically flexible and durable, and it comes in a variety of colors, finishes, and textures.

  • Material

    Roof wraps are often made from vinyl materials, with different options available, including gloss, matte, satin, metallic, carbon fiber, or textured finishes. Some wraps may also have specialty finishes like chrome or color-shifting effects.

  • Customization

    Vehicle owners can choose a roof wrap to match or contrast with the existing paint color of their vehicle. It provides a cost-effective and reversible way to customize the look of the vehicle without the permanence of a paint job.

  • Installation

    Roof wraps are typically applied by professionals who specialize in vehicle wraps or graphics. The installation process involves cleaning the roof surface thoroughly, ensuring a smooth and dust-free application, and carefully adhering the vinyl material to the roof contours. Precise cutting is done to fit the specific dimensions of the roof.

  • Durability

    High-quality vinyl materials used for roof wraps are designed to be durable and weather-resistant. They can withstand exposure to sunlight, rain, and other environmental elements. Additionally, the vinyl provides a layer of protection to the underlying paint.

  • Reversibility

    One of the advantages of roof wraps is that they are reversible. If a vehicle owner decides to change the appearance or revert to the original roof color, the vinyl wrap can be removed without damaging the factory paint.

  • Maintenance

    Roof wraps are relatively low-maintenance. Regular washing with a mild detergent or a car wash soap is typically sufficient to keep the wrap clean. It's essential to avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals that could damage the vinyl.

  • Cost-Effective Alternative

    Roof wraps are often more cost-effective than repainting the roof of a vehicle. They provide an opportunity for customization without the expense and time associated with a full paint job.

  • Paint Protection

    Vinyl wraps provide a protective layer over the vehicle's original paint, shielding it from scratches, chips, and other minor abrasions. This helps preserve the resale value of the vehicle by maintaining its factory finish and preventing damage caused by road debris, weather, and everyday wear and tear

Whether for aesthetic reasons, to add a personal touch, or to protect the original paint, roof wraps have become a popular customization option among vehicle enthusiasts. It's important to choose a reputable professional installer for the best results and to ensure the longevity and quality of the roof wrap.

Chrome Deletes

A chrome delete is a customization process where the chrome trim and accents on a vehicle are covered or modified to change their appearance. This is typically done using vinyl wraps or paint to achieve a different finish or color, and it has become a popular trend in the automotive customization community. The goal of a chrome delete is often to create a sleeker, more uniform look by removing the shiny chrome elements from the vehicle's exterior.

  • Chrome Trim and Accents

    Chrome delete typically involves modifying or covering the chrome elements found on a vehicle. This can include the grille, window trim, door handles, side mirrors, emblems, and other exterior details.

  • Vinyl Wraps or Paint

    The chrome delete process is commonly carried out using vinyl wraps or automotive-grade paint. Vinyl wraps offer a reversible and non-permanent solution, allowing the owner to revert to the original chrome if desired. On the other hand, paint provides a more permanent solution but requires careful surface preparation and skilled application.

  • Color and Finish Options

    Vehicle owners can choose from a variety of color and finish options for the chrome delete. Matte, satin, gloss, or textured finishes are popular choices, and the selected color can match or contrast with the vehicle's overall paint color.

  • Aesthetic Enhancement

    A chrome delete is often chosen for its aesthetic benefits. It can give a vehicle a more modern and cohesive appearance, especially when combined with other exterior modifications or customizations.

  • Customization and Personalization

    Chrome deletes provide an opportunity for vehicle owners to customize and personalize their vehicles according to their preferences. It is a way to add a unique touch and distinguish the vehicle from others on the road.

  • Reversibility

    Vinyl wraps used in chrome deletes are reversible. If the owner decides to revert to the original chrome look or change to a different color, the vinyl can be removed without damaging the factory chrome.

  • Professional Installation

    While some vehicle owners may attempt a chrome delete as a DIY project, achieving a clean and professional result often requires skill and experience. Professional installers who specialize in vehicle wraps or automotive painting are typically enlisted for more precise and durable outcomes.

  • Sleek Appearance

    Chrome deletion creates a sleek and modern look by eliminating the shiny chrome trim that often contrasts with the vehicle's paint color. By replacing chrome with a darker or color-matched finish, the vehicle's exterior achieves a more cohesive and stealthy appearance.

Chrome deletes have gained popularity as a cost-effective and customizable way to modify the appearance of a vehicle. Whether for a subtle change or a bold transformation, a chrome delete allows owners to express their style and preferences in the visual presentation of their cars.